Flyer for "Holistic Dive into Childbirth" at Birth Center of Chicago. Class details: meditation, birth physiology, scenarios, emotional support, coping, herbs. One-day, 6-hour class on 3832 N. Lincoln Ave, 10:30-4:30, with instructor Cote Garceau Saez CD.

Holistic Dive into Childbirth


Guided by an experienced doula, herbalist, and mother of three, this holistic course is for couples who want to take a deep dive into both the physiology of birth as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects of the birth process. We will focus on empowering the birthing person and their partner to navigate this transformational period. Engaged partners will learn various ways to support the birthing person as they are fully present throughout the process. 

Explore birth from a holistic perspective:

  • Learn about physiology of birth

  • Prepare for and understand different birth scenarios

  • Navigate the emotional and spiritual sides of birth

  • Develop coping mechanisms like breathwork, rebozo, & supportive positions

  • Engage in guided meditation, including breath exercises, and sound bath

  • Gain knowledge about herbs for pregnancy and postpartum

  • Build community with other families

Class is ideal for Birth Center or home birth locations. There will be no discussion of hospital interventions or advocacy.

*If you are looking for a class to shadow for doula certification or student midwifery program, please email:
[email protected]