What are the fees for Birth Center care?

We are currently in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, United Healthcare PPO and Christian Healthcare Ministries plans

We are still in the process of becoming in-network with most insurance companies
We fully anticipate being able to take most insurances in time

We are not in-network with Medicaid at this time

Christian Healthcare Ministries logo with red and white colors, featuring the acronym CHM.
UnitedHealthcare logo with blue text and emblem
Blue Cross Blue Shield logo featuring a blue cross and a blue shield with a caduceus symbol.
MultiPlan logo with stylized green and blue figures next to text.

 Are you planning to pay with insurance?

YES! I’m planning to pay with
private or public insurance, HSA/FSA.

  • We are very encouraged by the precedent of major carriers gaining in-network credentialing with other birth centers in-state, so we don't anticipate our experience to be much different. We are only in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, United Healthcare PPO and Christian Healthcare Ministries plans at this time *

  • We will be happy, in the meantime, to perform a VOB (verification of benefits) to see what your responsibility would be

  • Medicaid recipients are not yet eligible for care

  • Payment plans for out-of-pocket costs are always an option, with payments being completed by 36 weeks


No! I’d like to see about options not connected to insurance.

  • If you have a high deductible or out-of-pocket max, or would like to pay without insurance, we offer a self pay option that includes routine prenatal care, birth support, and the first two weeks of care for your newborn

Transparency on Fees for Birth Service

We will present you with an estimate of any out-of-pocket costs after you have attended a tour as a part of the Verification of Benefits process. We will contact your insurance carrier and discuss how much it will cost to have a birth center birth with us. You will have this fee prior to making the decision to move forward with your first appointment with the midwives, so you are able to make informed decisions about your care.

Smiling baby with blue eyes and grey onsie outfit sitting on white rug

Registration Fees

  • $200 (this is a one time, non refundable out of pocket cost not covered by insurance that includes verifications of benefits, our Wrap Up Class, chart reviews and other administrative costs). This fee is currently split into $50 for the VOB, and the remainder of the fee due upon becoming a client

Professional Fees

  • one-on-one time with the midwives during your appointments and at the time of your birth; billed to insurance/self pay

Facility Fee

  • covers birthing suite use, birth supplies, nursing/birth assistant support and related costs to your appointments; billed to insurance/self pay

Newborn Care

  • immediate care after birth, and for the first 2 weeks of life; billed to insurance/self pay

* The Professional Fees, Facility Fees, and Newborn Care are all included in the self-pay option


Other Fees Associated with Birth Services

  • Your first visit which establishes care with Birth Center of Chicago, is not considered a prenatal visit.

  • Your first trimester and 20 week ultrasounds

  • Any additional ultrasounds or fetal stress tests

  • Prenatal genetic screenings

  • Any "problem visits" (an example of this is if you come in for a urinary tract infection)

  • First time parents are asked to take a childbirth class, and any doula services are both outside of birth center fees

Helpful Terms to Know When Talking About Insurance

cartoon image of woman holding huge pen filling out form on clipboard
  • The monthly payment to the company that gives you insurance coverage.

  • A set amount that you pay for each visit. If you see a specialist or a PCP, this fee could vary (ie: $40 for specialist or $25 for PCP).

  • The amount you pay before your health insurance starts paying their portion of any medical expenses.

  • The percentage you pay towards your medical bills up to your Out of Pocket Max after your deductible has been met.

  • The most you'll pay for covered healthcare services in a year. Your monthly premiums don't apply to this but in most cases, your deductible, coinsurance, and copays do apply.

 Required Classes for Birth Clients*

*Clients of the birth center are asked to engage in childbirth classes to help equip them for the experience of unmedicated labor and birth, and to acquaint them with the birth center’s facility. Not every client will need the same classes

  • First time Parents are required to take a comprehensive childbirth class. That can be the class we provide at our center, or from a class in the community that fulfill the requirements

  • Experienced Parents who may have had a previous experience with birth are encouraged to refresh themselves with coping and comfort measures. They may take our Comfort + Coping class, or a community class that fulfills the requirements